Saturday, August 31, 2019

El nuevo arte de proxima B invaders Remake

Aquí les cuento el cambio que le estoy haciendo a mi juego

pase de esto:

A esto:

Me pareció interesante el cambio de gráficos a un pixel art 3d Ahora siento esa sensación de profundidad y que el arte del juego es más homogéneo

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Proxima B invaders remake

A year ago I decided to change my life and become in a game designer.
My first video game been Proxima B invaders and is disponible in PlayStore of google

more than ten years without programming they passed me bill. but now that I am recovering my condition I decided to make my first videogame again, this time with UNITY.
I would love to be followed through the development of my project

If you wish you can also play the original version ;P

Here you have the old trailer of my game

It didn't look so bad right?

Here I leave what will be the new game (just in development)